There's something extraordinary about turning a flower into a semi-abstracted piece of art that speaks to the observer's soul. It allows the artist to uniquely express their vision of roses, flowers, and other botanical subjects.

Although most roses and other flowers are usually shown in their whole flowering glory, in this type of painting, the roses might be partially represented or abstracted, changing the overall effect and highlighting the subtle nuances of a flower's petals and intricate details that wouldn't be visible in traditional forms of painting. A floral abstraction is an enjoyable form of self-expression for any artist.

Who This is For

  • Anyone who loves to paint in watercolor.
  • Perfect for self-paced painting and activities with friends.
  • Fun for experts who want to unwind and anyone looking to dive into the wonderful world of watercolors!
  • Anyone who wants to improve their painting skills and become the artist they have always dreamed of.
  • Great for all levels.

More than just a rose

Journey through the petals of a delicate rose and turn it into a painting that makes a statement.

Learn how to view the reference photo and when to leave it behind to use your imagination and manage problems to create bold petals filled with dramatic shadows that jump right off the paper.

From start to finish, I'll lead you through the in-depth painting process step-by-step as the painting shifts and evolves. This is not a paint-by-number painting and will teach you more building skills to create depth.

  • Learn that no problem is too big to solve when several issues present themselves.
  • Maintain color harmony while using multiple layers.
  • Recognize and manage the amount of water on the paper surface.
  • Use negative and positive painting techniques to create areas you can see on the reference photo and those you must make up so the painting works.
  • Achieve depth and drama.

Your instructor

Birgit O'Connor

Master artist Birgit O’Connor is an internationally known award-winning artist, judge, juror and, author, known for her original paintings and inspirational teaching style. She is signature member of M-NWWS, M-CWA, M-LWS. Her memberships include Cambridge Who’s Who, Who's who in America and Who's who in American women. 

Her books “Watercolor in Motion”, “Paint Watercolor Flowers” and “Watercolor Essentials” are top selling titles in her field, along with being included in over 60 national and international publications such as the New York Times, SF Gate, Watercolor Magazine, Dobry Zank, (Poland) "L'Art de l'Aquarelle (France).

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