Become the artist you have always dreamed of

This self-paced course focuses on what is most important to set the composition apart and make it unique.

Learn to guide the viewer through the painting with design, color, highlights, and shadow on a journey that evokes emotion and wonder.

Good for intermediate and advanced artists.

The Zen of Watercolor

Independent study

Journey towards the edge of abstraction of nature's design, with a different experience to develop a painting with subject material that you may not notice at first glance into a dramatic painting.

Learn to go deeper into the artistic process to paint a full sheet painting and become more creative with a project to create the illusion of movement.

Who this course is for

  • Anyone who loves to paint
  • Perfect for a relaxing weekend with friends
  • Fun for experts who want to unwind
  • Great for beginners to have fun, that want to be more creative
  • If you are ready to go beyond basic instruction into something much more creative.
  • If you want to experience the Zen of watercolor and journey into a place that is much more creative.
  • This project takes time, paint at your own pace as you learn to twist and turn ribbons of kelp to create the illusion of movement.
  • if you want to learn to be a better artist and continue to create your own designs

Your instructor: Birgit O'Connor

About the artist

Birgit O’Connor, is a Master artist and a signature member of M-NWWS, (Northwest Watercolor Society) M-CWA, (California Watercolor Association) M-LWS (Louisiana Watercolor Society).

She is an award winning artist, judge, juror and author of the top-selling North Light books “ Watercolor in Motion”"Paint Watercolor Flowers" and “Watercolor Essentials” along with being included in three other titles. Known for her original paintings and inspirational teaching style. In 2019, she is expanded into portraits which have been well received into international shows. 

Publications include the New York Times, SF Gate,Artist Magazine and Watercolor Artist Magazine INK in New Mexico, in the United States, Dobry Zank, (Poland) "L'Art de l'Aquarelle (France). Her memberships include Cambridge Who’s Who, Who's who in America and Who's who in American woman.

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