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Sweet Peas
Reference intro (2:31)
Welcome (0:31)
Material list
Transferring the line drawing to watercolor paper
Plastic sheet, light pad extra links
About brushes
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Warm up - Loosen your wrist
About this lesson (0:42)
Reference photo
Line drawing
Finished painting
Lesson (28:43)
Simple Sweet Pea - Workshop lessons
About this lesson (0:39)
Reference photo
Line drawing
Sweet Pea 1 - Flowers (7:37)
Sweet Pea 2 - Stems (7:45)
Sweet Pea 3 - Shadows (5:13)
Sweet Peas 4 - Petals (12:12)
Sweet Pea 5 - Mid-tones and darker values (3:37)
Sweet Pea 6 - Darker shadows (2:26)
Sweet Peas - Play with puddles
About the next two lessons (1:37)
Reference photo
line drawing
Finished painting
1. Getting started (13:00)
2. Play with puddles (7:02)
3. Mingle color (12:57)
4. Shadows and detail (13:52)
Sweet Peas - change the design
Reference photo
Line drawing
Finished painting
1. Adding color (23:47)
2. Turn shadows into flowers (18:23)
3. Details and shadows (7:04)
Sweet Peas - Mastering the techniques
About this lesson (0:56)
Line drawing
Reference photo
Finished painting
1. Water to color blending (22:49)
2. Clean edges (14:27)
3. Work with your highlights (6:06)
4. Adding contrast (31:55)
5. Small shapes (10:56)
6. Final details (10:36)
Conclusion (0:37)
Bonus photos
About copyrights (2:28)
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